Danilo Prefumo
For a selected bibliography, see Academia.edu

Danilo Prefumo graduated in History of Music in 1977 while at the same time pursuing musical studies.
For over fifteen years he was a collaborator of the Italian “Radiotre”, and since 1978 he has regularly collaborated with the Italian Swiss Radio.
His articles have been published in some of the most important Italian music magazines; notably, those on 18th- and 19th-century Italian instrumental music and in particular Paganini have appeared in “Il Fronimo”, “Chigiana”, “Rivista Musicale Italiana”, “Rivista Italiana di Musicologia”, “Tibia”, “Fonti Musicali” and the “Quaderni dell’Istituto di Studi Paganiniani”.
Prefumo is moreover the author of the books “Invito all’ascolto di Franz Schubert“ (1992), “I Fratelli Sammartini“ (2002) and “Niccolò Paganini, la vita, le opere, il suo tempo“ (2020) English Edition: Paganini, his life, works, and times (2022).
Since 2008 he has been a member of the Artistic Committee of the International Violin Competition “Premio Paganini”.
In 2023 he lectured on Paganini at the University of Rhode Island and Stony Brook University - Center for Italian Studies.
On May 27, 2023, in Parma, he was awarded the "A life for Paganini" prize.